Join us at Starfire Sports for some thrilling indoor soccer at the Northwest’s premier facility. With a variety of opportunities for ages U6-U19, you are sure to find a good fit for your team.
[ezcol_1half]U8-U19 Youth Indoor Leagues
Starfire Sports delivers the ultimate indoor soccer experience for all Seattle area youth. Encourage multiple touches on the ball and promote quick decision-making and even quicker reaction times.
Games begin November 7th
U8-U19 Rec, U10-U19 Select
6 games, double-header format
Entry Fee $480
- Saturday leagues (7am-11pm kickoffs): U8-10 & U15-U19 Rec, U10 & U15-U19 Select
- Sunday leagues (7am-5pm kickoffs): U11-U14 Rec & Select
- Games are 22:30 min halves
- Rosters lock after the fourth game
- Only 16 players allowed to be in the bench area to play; non-players are not permitted in the bench area
- 20 players allowed on roster, to be on a roster you must have a current Starfire Sports Membership
- Please sign your team up based on the age chart for the 2015/2016 season
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U6-U8 4v4 Indoor Mod League
This new league provides a great introduction to indoor soccer by placing kids in a familiar 4v4 format, similar to outdoor recreational and mod programs. Register for both the Turkey Shoot and Mod League, and save $50! Details
Saturdays, Nov. 14-Jan. 16
Boys & Girls U6-U8
8 games, $475
- Games are 18 minute halves
- Recreational Jamboree Format; no scores or standings kept
- No goalies with a “no entry” zone surrounding the goal area
- All restarts are indirect free-kicks with a five yard “no entry” radius, meaning only players from the kicking team may enter
- Mixed gender teams are welcome–please email [email protected] for more information
- 10 players allowed on roster, to be on a roster you must have a current Starfire Sports Membership
- Please sign your team up based on the age chart for the 2015/2016 season
Give thanks for soccer at the 2015 Turkey Shoot Jamboree filled with great 4v4 soccer and fall-themed fun. Register for both the Turkey Shoot and Mod League, and save $50! Details
November 22, 2015
Boys & Girls U6-U11
Recreational Teams
Entry Fee $115.00
Registration closes November 16th or when filled
- (2) 12 minute halves
- Field Size 38 x 48
- 3 game minimum
- No goalkeepers
- Starfire referees (1 per game)
- Game balls provided
- Fall-themed crafts & activities
- Festive team names & costumes welcome
The AstroTurf Showcase is the Pacific Northwest’s premier college showcase for girls. Be seen by all levels of college coaches, and learn what it takes to be a collegiate athlete.
November 27-29, 2015
Girls U15-U19
Premier Teams
Entry Fee U15 $670.00
Entry Fee U16-19 $870.00
Registration closes October 10th or when filled
- College Coaches Showcase Format
- College Coaches Seminars
- 30 minute halves
- 4 games
- Game balls provided
- Washington State referees
- Out of state teams
- U-16,17,19 will be at Starfire
- U-15 Girls will be all at Valley Ridge
- Learn more
If you would like to take advantage of the Boo Fest/Mod League discount, please follow the registration instructions found here. Otherwise, follow the instructions below. Questions? Email us at [email protected].
STEP 1: Log in to your Starfire account.
Don’t have an account? Click here, enter your email under and hit “Continue”.
STEP 2: Select “Register” on the top of your Starfire account screen
STEP 3: Select “Teams & Leagues” under “Registration Type”
STEP 4: Select “Team” under “Registering as an individual or team?”
STEP 5: Select “Yes” under “Are you the coach or manager?”
STEP 5: Select the appropriate program/event
STEP 6: Select the appropriate age and gender
Make sure you register for the correct age, by following our age bracket guidelines.
STEP 7: Select or enter the team you want to register, then hit “Next”
STEP 10: Click “Check out” and make your payment
NOTE: A $100 deposit is required for leagues, while payment for Boo Fest, Turkey Shoot, and AstroTurf Showcase is due in full at time of registration.
STEP 9: Complete your online roster
Follow these instructions to add players to your online roster. NOTE: All players participating in our leagues must have a current Starfire Starfire Membership.
Questions? Email tournaments or call 206.431.3232 ext. 124
Age Bracket Guidelines
U-7 2008
U-8 2007
U-9 2006
U-10 2005
U-11 2004
U-12 2003
U-13 2002
U-14 2001
U-15 2000
U-16 1999
U-17 1998
U-19 1996
For the 2015 Season
Adding Players to Your Roster
Coach/Manager Instructions – Inviting Players to Join
After you have completed the registration process, please follow the steps below to complete your online roster. All players must be on the roster to take the field.
- Log in to your Starfire Account
- On your account home page, click the “Invite” button below the appropriate team
- Input the email addresses of your team members
- Copy and paste the following message into the message box: All players are required to join our online roster to participate in a Starfire Tournament. BEFORE CLICKING the link to join our team, please review the instructions for joining the roster found here:
- Click “Send Invitation”
Parent/Player Instructions – Joining the Roster
To join a roster, you must be invited by the individual who registered the team. If the player participating in the tournament is under the age of 18, a parent must set up an account.
Are you and your child already in the Starfire system?
Simply click the link provided in the email asking you to join the team.
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Do you have an account, but need to add your child?
- Log in to your Starfire account
- Click any option from the list of registration types
- Click “New Child”
- Fill in the appropriate information and click “Create”
- Return to your team invite email, click the link provided, and follow the instructions
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Are you new to Starfire Sports?
- Click here, enter your email address and hit “Contine”
- Fill in YOUR information in the “Adult Information” section
- Click “Add Children” to add the player(s) that will be joining the roster
- Click “Register”
- Return to your team invite email, click the link provided, and follow the instructions